Thursday, November 29, 2007

fat fingers

medium: red #20 dye and india ink.

Kafka's Bug

medium: ink

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No Cameras Allowed

If only I traveled more.
If only I depended on my camera less.
I would sketch more.

[Bangkok, Thailand. July 2007.
Ballpoint pen + color pencil / inkier pen.]

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tales from a moleskin

These are two images from about a year ago. I drew the first image before I arrived to the Czech Republic as a sort of idea of what I could expect to find when I got there. The latter was captured at the Czech airport before leaving the country to return home.

The sketchiness of the situations can be fully observed:

medium: ink;

medium: ink;
exhibit b: sits directly across from airport patrons and sketches them. does not allow them to notice.

Next time I'll post something new.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Super Sketchy Conversations over Fish n' Chips

KK: I feel ready to have kids.
AP: My friend said there are so many ways to f*ck up kids, she's never going to have any.
KK: But there are so many experiments you can do on a kid.
AP: KK will never babysit my kids.
KK: I wouldn't do experiments on other people's kids, only my own.


Boom Boom Boom and you don't know who the father is.

Ready, Set, Sketch.